Sunday, November 6, 2011

From The Department Of Irony

I have lived in Texas for God knows how long, and have never seen a tornado. A funnel cloud here and there, but never the "Run Paw, it's a ternader!" full blast on the ground flipping trailer houses type. Also lived in Nevada for two years and never felt an earthquake. Ergo, I had to be in Texas to feel my first earthquake, the 5.6 one centered in Oklahoma. A very brief vibration, then a sudden thud, like someone had just run into the house.

Had to be in Texas for my first blizzard too, BTW.


  1. Well, they DO say that Texas is a land unto its own...I'm guessing that includes weather, too. (My brief experience with the Texas wonderland was a grand total of five weeks spread out over six months' time, so I defer to your judgment there.)

  2. Had all of those here in Salt Lake; tornadoes, blizzards, earthquakes, and floods.

  3. LOL, don't push your luck Chris... You could get all three in the same week in Texas... :-)

  4. I've had all three- I prefer blizzards as there is plenty of warning and it's a legit excuse to not go to work. Too bad I work at home, dammit.
